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Narendrakumar Manilal Patel - 52-22 K.P. Samaj ( Profile Id : 33069)
Last Updated : 16 Nov 2022
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Age : 61 Years (Jun 1963)
Native : Mahesana > Visnagar
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : B+
Education : M.S.C., B.Ed.
Mothers Maiden Place : Kamnd
Relation With Main Member : Self
Gender : Male
Height : 5 feet 7 inches
Weight : 78 Kgs
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382020

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Dhrumin Sureshkumar Patel - 22 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33068)
Last Updated : 16 Nov 2022
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Age : 28 Years (Jul 1996)
Native : Gandhinagar > Gandhinagar > Unvarsad
Marital Status : Unmarried
Blood Group : B+
Education : B.TECH
Mothers Maiden Place : Ambasan
Relation With Main Member : Son
Gender : Male
Height : 5 feet 11 inches
Weight : 84 Kgs
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382007

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Ravina Ronakkumar Patel - 22 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33067)
Last Updated : 16 Nov 2022
Age : 32 Years (Jun 1992)
Native : Gandhinagar > Gandhinagar > Unvarsad
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : B+
Education : M.B.A.
Mothers Maiden Place : Nardipur
Relation With Main Member : Daughter In Law
Gender : Female
Height : 5 feet 4 inches
Weight : 60 Kgs
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382007

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Ronakkumar Sureshkumar Patel - 22 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33066)
Last Updated : 16 Nov 2022
Age : 33 Years (Feb 1991)
Native : Gandhinagar > Gandhinagar > Unvarsad
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : B+
Education : B.E.TECH
Mothers Maiden Place : Ambasan
Relation With Main Member : Son
Gender : Male
Height : 5 feet 5 inches
Weight : 72 Kgs
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382007

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Anandiben Sureshkumar Patel - 22 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33065)
Last Updated : 16 Nov 2022
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Age : 54 Years (Jun 1970)
Native : Gandhinagar > Gandhinagar > Unvarsad
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : B+
Education : S.S.C. P.T.C.
Mothers Maiden Place : Langanaj
Relation With Main Member : Wife
Gender : Female
Height : 5 feet 2 inches
Weight : 57 Kgs
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382007

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Sureshkumar Narsinhbhai Patel - 22 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33064)
Last Updated : 16 Nov 2022
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Age : 56 Years (Sep 1968)
Native : Gandhinagar > Gandhinagar > Unvarsad
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : B+
Education : S.S.C., I.T.I.
Mothers Maiden Place : Langanaj
Relation With Main Member : Self
Gender : Male
Height : 6 feet 0 inches
Weight : 83 Kgs
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382007

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Dimpalben Dixitkumar Patel - Uttar Dashakroi ( Profile Id : 33063)
Last Updated : 16 Nov 2022
Age : 23 Years (Feb 2001)
Native : Gandhinagar > Gandhinagar > Kolavada
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : O-
Education : B.Com
Mothers Maiden Place : Jamnagar
Relation With Main Member : Daughter In Law
Gender : Female
Height : 5 feet 6 inches
Weight : 50 Kgs
Dixitkumar Vishnubhai Patel - Uttar Dashakroi ( Profile Id : 33062)
Last Updated : 16 Nov 2022
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Age : 29 Years (Jul 1995)
Native : Gandhinagar > Gandhinagar > Kolavada
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : O+
Education : B.E. Mechanicl
Mothers Maiden Place : Chhatral
Relation With Main Member : Son
Gender : Male
Height : 5 feet 11 inches
Weight : 85 Kgs
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382421

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Kantaben Bhikhabhai Patel - Uttar Dashakroi ( Profile Id : 33061)
Last Updated : 16 Nov 2022
Native : Gandhinagar > Gandhinagar > Kolavada
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : N/A
Qualification : SCHOOLING
Education : 4th
Mothers Maiden Place : Fuletra
Relation With Main Member : Mother
Gender : Female
Height : 5 feet 2 inches
Weight : 55 Kgs
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382421

Getaben Vishnubhai Patel - Uttar Dashakroi ( Profile Id : 33060)
Last Updated : 16 Nov 2022
Age : 49 Years (Jun 1975)
Native : Gandhinagar > Gandhinagar > Kolavada
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : B+
Qualification : SCHOOLING
Education : 12th
Mothers Maiden Place : Fuletra
Relation With Main Member : Wife
Gender : Female
Height : 5 feet 6 inches
Weight : 85 Kgs
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382421

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Vishnubhai Bhikhabhai Patel - Uttar Dashakroi ( Profile Id : 33059)
Last Updated : 16 Nov 2022
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Age : 52 Years (Jun 1972)
Native : Gandhinagar > Gandhinagar > Kolavada
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : B+ (Blood Doner)
Qualification : OTHER
Education : T.Y.B.A.
Mothers Maiden Place : Kudasan
Relation With Main Member : Self
Gender : Male
Height : 5 feet 6 inches
Weight : 85 Kgs
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382421

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Dhyaan Kinnal Patel - 11 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33058)
Last Updated : 16 Nov 2022
Age : 6 Years (Nov 2017)
Native : Mahesana > Vijapur > Ranasan
Marital Status : Unmarried
Blood Group : N/A
Qualification : SCHOOLING
Education : Jr. K.G.
Mothers Maiden Place : Kherva
Relation With Main Member : Grand Son
Gender : Male
Height : 4 feet 0 inches
Weight : 18 Kgs
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382006
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Shweta Kinnal Patel - 11 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33057)
Last Updated : 16 Nov 2022
Age : 32 Years (Mar 1992)
Native : Mahesana > Vijapur > Ranasan
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : N/A
Education :
Mothers Maiden Place : Kansa
Relation With Main Member : Daughter In Law
Gender : Female
Height : 5 feet 2 inches
Weight : 52 Kgs
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382006
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Kinnal Pravinbhai Patel - 11 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33056)
Last Updated : 16 Nov 2022
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Age : 32 Years (Dec 1991)
Native : Mahesana > Vijapur > Ranasan
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : A+
Education : B.E.
Mothers Maiden Place : Malosan
Relation With Main Member : Son
Gender : Male
Height : 5 feet 11 inches
Weight : 65 Kgs
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382006

Vaidit Vipulkumar Patel - 41 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33053)
Last Updated : 16 Nov 2022
Age : 17 Years (Apr 2007)
Native : Gandhinagar > Mansa > Itadara
Marital Status : Unmarried
Blood Group : B+
Qualification : SCHOOLING
Education : Student
Mothers Maiden Place : Soja
Relation With Main Member : Son
Gender : Male
Height : 5 feet 8 inches
Weight : 65 Kgs
Savitaben Naranbhai Patel - 42 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33052)
Last Updated : 16 Nov 2022
Age : 72 Years (Jun 1952)
Native : Gandhinagar > Mansa > Itadara
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : B+
Education : House wife
Mothers Maiden Place : Ubkhal
Relation With Main Member : Mother
Gender : Female
Height : 5 feet 0 inches
Weight : 63 Kgs
Naranbhai Shankardas Patel - 41 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33051)
Last Updated : 16 Nov 2022
Age : 77 Years (Jun 1947)
Native : Gandhinagar > Mansa > Itadara
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : B+
Education : Retired DGM
Mothers Maiden Place : Sokhda
Relation With Main Member : Father
Gender : Male
Height : 4 feet 8 inches
Weight : 59 Kgs
Minaben Vipulkumar Patel - 41 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33050)
Last Updated : 16 Nov 2022
Age : 40 Years (Oct 1983)
Native : Gandhinagar > Mansa > Itadara
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : O-
Qualification : OTHER
Education : S.Y. Bcom
Mothers Maiden Place : Ranshodpura
Relation With Main Member : Wife
Gender : Female
Height : 5 feet 0 inches
Weight : 61 Kgs
Vipulkumar Naranbhai Patel - 41 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33049)
Last Updated : 16 Nov 2022
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Age : 41 Years (Apr 1983)
Native : Gandhinagar > Mansa > Itadara
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : B+ (Blood Doner)
Qualification : GRADUATE - SCIENCE
Education : Bechloar of Science
Mothers Maiden Place : Khanusha
Relation With Main Member : Self
Gender : Male
Height : 5 feet 6 inches
Weight : 81 Kgs
Aditya Girishbhai Patel - 42-84 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33048)
Last Updated : 16 Nov 2022
Age : 11 Years (Dec 2012)
Native : Gandhinagar > Dehgam > Sanoda
Marital Status : Unmarried
Blood Group : B+
Qualification : SCHOOLING
Education : Study
Mothers Maiden Place : Chndrala
Relation With Main Member : Son
Gender : Male
Height : 3 feet 5 inches
Weight : 29 Kgs
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382025

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