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Tusharkumar Kacharabahi Patel - 41 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33171)
Last Updated : 17 Nov 2022
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Age : 39 Years (Feb 1985)
Native : Mahesana > Vijapur > Khanusa
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : A+
Education : M,Sc E.Bed
Mothers Maiden Place : Pundhara
Relation With Main Member : Son
Gender : Male
Height : 5 feet 3 inches
Weight : 59 Kgs
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382028

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Savitaen Kacharabahi Patel - 41 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33170)
Last Updated : 17 Nov 2022
Age : 67 Years (Oct 1956)
Native : Mahesana > Vijapur > Khanusa
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : N/A
Education : 8 Pass
Mothers Maiden Place : Nansa
Relation With Main Member : Wife
Gender : Female
Height : 5 feet 4 inches
Weight : 62 Kgs
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382028

Kacharabahi Ambalal Patel - 41 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33169)
Last Updated : 17 Nov 2022
Age : 73 Years (Jun 1951)
Native : Mahesana > Vijapur > Khanusa
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : A+
Qualification : GRADUATE - SCIENCE
Education : B.Sc. B.Ed
Mothers Maiden Place : Ubkhal
Relation With Main Member : Self
Gender : Male
Height : 5 feet 5 inches
Weight : 70 Kgs
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382028

Bharatkumar Ramabhai Patel - 41 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33155)
Last Updated : 17 Nov 2022
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Age : 47 Years (Apr 1977)
Native : Gandhinagar > Mansa > Itadara
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : N/A
Education : B.Com
Mothers Maiden Place : Kukarvada
Relation With Main Member : Self
Gender : Male
Height : 5 feet 6 inches
Weight : 86 Kgs
Complexion : Wheatish
Sankalchandbahi Chaturdas Patel - 41 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33153)
Last Updated : 17 Nov 2022
Age : 86 Years (Apr 1938)
Native : Mahesana > Vijapur > Kukarvada
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : B+
Education : Old Metrika
Mothers Maiden Place : Delvda
Relation With Main Member : Father
Gender : Male
Height : 5 feet 3 inches
Weight : 50 Kgs
Bansi Maheshkumar Patel - 41 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33152)
Last Updated : 17 Nov 2022
Age : 18 Years (Jan 2006)
Native : Mahesana > Vijapur > Kukarvada
Marital Status : Unmarried
Blood Group : B+
Qualification : SCHOOLING
Education : 12th Science
Mothers Maiden Place : Devda
Relation With Main Member : Daughter
Gender : Female
Height : 5 feet 4 inches
Weight : 55 Kgs
Complexion : Wheatish
Apekshkaben Maheshkumar Patel - 41 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33150)
Last Updated : 17 Nov 2022
Mobile : Login To View...
Age : 47 Years (Jun 1977)
Native : Mahesana > Vijapur > Kukarvada
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : A+
Education : B.A.
Mothers Maiden Place : Jantral
Relation With Main Member : Wife
Gender : Female
Raj Sureshbhai Patel - Motobar ( Profile Id : 33148)
Last Updated : 17 Nov 2022
Age : 27 Years (Feb 1997)
Native : Gandhinagar > Gandhinagar > Randheja
Marital Status : Unmarried
Blood Group : O-
Education : Master of Computer, Canada
Mothers Maiden Place : Ladol
Relation With Main Member : Son
Gender : Male
Height : 6 feet 1 inches
Weight : 79 Kgs
Complexion : Fair
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Pin Code - 382028

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Darshita Nikunjbhai Patel - Motobar ( Profile Id : 33147)
Last Updated : 17 Nov 2022
Age : 33 Years (Jul 1991)
Native : Gandhinagar > Gandhinagar > Randheja
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : AB+
Qualification : GRADUATE - SCIENCE
Education : B.E. I.T.
Mothers Maiden Place : Laghnaj
Relation With Main Member : Daughter In Law
Gender : Female
Height : 5 feet 1 inches
Weight : 60 Kgs
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382028

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Nikunj Sureshbhai Patel - Motobar ( Profile Id : 33146)
Last Updated : 17 Nov 2022
Age : 33 Years (Apr 1991)
Native : Gandhinagar > Gandhinagar > Randheja
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : O+
Education : B.E.I.T.
Mothers Maiden Place : Ladol
Relation With Main Member : Son
Gender : Male
Height : 5 feet 11 inches
Weight : 75 Kgs
Complexion : Fair
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382028

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Alkaben Sureshbhai Patel - Motobar ( Profile Id : 33145)
Last Updated : 17 Nov 2022
Mobile : Login To View...
Age : 55 Years (May 1969)
Native : Gandhinagar > Gandhinagar > Randheja
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : O+
Education : P.T.C.
Mothers Maiden Place : Palasar
Relation With Main Member : Wife
Gender : Female
Height : 5 feet 3 inches
Weight : 65 Kgs
Complexion : Fair
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382028

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Sureshbhai Baldevbhai Patel - Motobar ( Profile Id : 33144)
Last Updated : 17 Nov 2022
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Age : 57 Years (Jun 1967)
Native : Gandhinagar > Gandhinagar > Randheja
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : O+
Education : B.Com
Mothers Maiden Place : UnjhA
Relation With Main Member : Self
Gender : Male
Height : 6 feet 0 inches
Weight : 85 Kgs
Complexion : Fair
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382028

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Utsav Bhadrershbhi Patel - Motobar ( Profile Id : 33143)
Last Updated : 17 Nov 2022
Age : 9 Years (Feb 2015)
Native : Gandhinagar > Gandhinagar > Randheja
Marital Status : Unmarried
Blood Group : O+
Education : 2 Running
Mothers Maiden Place : Umalla
Relation With Main Member : Son
Gender : Male
Height : 4 feet 2 inches
Weight : 32 Kgs
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382421

Pranjal Bhadrershbhi Patel - Motobar ( Profile Id : 33142)
Last Updated : 17 Nov 2022
Age : 15 Years (Apr 2009)
Native : Gandhinagar > Gandhinagar > Randheja
Marital Status : Unmarried
Blood Group : O+
Education : 9 Running
Mothers Maiden Place : Umalla
Relation With Main Member : Daughter
Gender : Female
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382421

Krishna Bhadrershbhi Patel - Motobar ( Profile Id : 33141)
Last Updated : 17 Nov 2022
Age : 17 Years (Feb 2007)
Native : Gandhinagar > Gandhinagar > Randheja
Marital Status : Unmarried
Blood Group : O+
Education : 11 Running
Mothers Maiden Place : Umalla
Relation With Main Member : Daughter
Gender : Female
Height : 4 feet 9 inches
Weight : 45 Kgs
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382421

Ansuyaben Bhadreshbhai Patel - Nanabar ( Profile Id : 33140)
Last Updated : 17 Nov 2022
Age : 35 Years (May 1989)
Native : Gandhinagar > Gandhinagar > Randheja
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : B+
Education : S,S.C. Pass
Mothers Maiden Place : Umalla
Relation With Main Member : Wife
Gender : Female
Height : 5 feet 5 inches
Weight : 71 Kgs
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382421

Bhadreshkumar Sankalchanndbahi Patel - Motobar ( Profile Id : 33139)
Last Updated : 17 Nov 2022
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Age : 44 Years (Feb 1980)
Native : Gandhinagar > Gandhinagar > Randheja
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : O+
Qualification : SCHOOLING
Education : H.S.C. Pass
Mothers Maiden Place : Langhanaj
Relation With Main Member : Self
Gender : Male
Height : 5 feet 7 inches
Weight : 82 Kgs
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382421

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Hetu Priyanka Patel - 42-84 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33122)
Last Updated : 16 Nov 2022
Age : 12 Years (May 2012)
Native : Gandhinagar > Gandhinagar > Jakhora
Marital Status : Unmarried
Blood Group : A+
Education : Student
Mothers Maiden Place : Jakhora
Relation With Main Member : Grand Son
Gender : Male
Weight : 52 Kgs
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382027

Bhoomi Yashbhai Patel - 42-84 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33121)
Last Updated : 16 Nov 2022
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Age : 28 Years (Jul 1996)
Native : Gandhinagar > Gandhinagar > Jakhora
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : N/A
Education : B.Sc, Narsing
Mothers Maiden Place : Vasai Dabhla
Relation With Main Member : Daughter In Law
Gender : Female
Weight : 58 Kgs
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382027

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Yash Arvindbhai Patel - 42-84 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33120)
Last Updated : 16 Nov 2022
Mobile : Login To View...
Age : 29 Years (Mar 1995)
Native : Gandhinagar > Gandhinagar > Jakhora
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : A+
Education : B.E. Civil
Mothers Maiden Place : Chandrala
Relation With Main Member : Son
Gender : Male
Weight : 60 Kgs
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382027

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