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Himanshu Sumitbhai Patel - 42-84 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33573)
Last Updated : 23 Dec 2022
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Age : 28 Years (Nov 1995)
Native : Sabar Kantha > Prantij > Karol
Marital Status : Unmarried
Blood Group : N/A
Education : Graduate
Mothers Maiden Place : Sadra
Relation With Main Member : Self
Gender : Male
Weight : 72 Kgs
Complexion : Fair
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382006

Sadhanaben Rameshbhai Patel - 42-84 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33572)
Last Updated : 23 Dec 2022
Age : 50 Years (Jan 1974)
Native : Sabar Kantha > Prantij > Rasulpur
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : N/A
Education : 12th
Mothers Maiden Place : Bobha
Relation With Main Member : Mother
Gender : Female
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382421

Distant Rameshbhai Patel - 42-84 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33571)
Last Updated : 23 Dec 2022
Age : 32 Years (Jul 1992)
Native : Sabar Kantha > Prantij > Rasulpur
Marital Status : Unmarried
Blood Group : N/A
Education : Collage
Mothers Maiden Place : Salatpur
Relation With Main Member : Brother
Gender : Male
Weight : 86 Kgs
Complexion : Fair
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382421

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Parthkumar Rameshbhai Patel - 42-84 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33570)
Last Updated : 23 Dec 2022
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Age : 29 Years (Jun 1995)
Native : Sabar Kantha > Prantij > Rasulpur
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : N/A
Education : Gradute
Mothers Maiden Place : Salatpur
Relation With Main Member : Self
Gender : Male
Weight : 70 Kgs
Complexion : Fair
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382421

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Aashaben Kamleshbhai Patel - 52 Gol K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33569)
Last Updated : 23 Dec 2022
Age : 50 Years (Jan 1974)
Native : Sabar Kantha > Prantij > Kamalpur
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : N/A
Education : 12th
Mothers Maiden Place : Salatpur
Relation With Main Member : Mother
Gender : Female
Weight : 62 Kgs
Complexion : Fair
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382007

Kamleshbhai Ransodbhai Patel - 52 Gol K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33568)
Last Updated : 23 Dec 2022
Age : 54 Years (Aug 1970)
Native : Sabar Kantha > Prantij > Kamalpur
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : N/A
Education : 12th
Mothers Maiden Place : Sanada
Relation With Main Member : Father
Gender : Male
Weight : 70 Kgs
Complexion : Fair
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382007

Poojaben Chetakkumar Patel - 52 Gol K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33567)
Last Updated : 23 Dec 2022
Age : 31 Years (Dec 1992)
Native : Sabar Kantha > Prantij > Kamalpur
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : N/A
Education : Collage
Mothers Maiden Place : Baleshana
Relation With Main Member : Wife
Gender : Female
Weight : 60 Kgs
Complexion : Fair
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382007

Chetakkumar Kamleshbhai Patel - 52 Gol K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33566)
Last Updated : 23 Dec 2022
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Age : 31 Years (Nov 1992)
Native : Sabar Kantha > Prantij > Kamalpur
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : N/A
Education : Collage
Mothers Maiden Place : Ninjva
Relation With Main Member : Self
Gender : Male
Weight : 85 Kgs
Complexion : Fair
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382007

Work Location
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Bhavanaben Rameshbhai Patel - 42-84 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33565)
Last Updated : 23 Dec 2022
Age : 53 Years (Jun 1971)
Native : Sabar Kantha > Prantij > Majra
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : N/A
Education : Collage
Mothers Maiden Place : Dabhoda
Relation With Main Member : Mother
Gender : Female
Weight : 55 Kgs
Complexion : Fair
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382016

Rameshbhai Prabhudas Patel - 42-84 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33564)
Last Updated : 23 Dec 2022
Age : 58 Years (Jun 1966)
Native : Sabar Kantha > Prantij > Majra
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : N/A
Education : Collage
Mothers Maiden Place : Ghadkan
Relation With Main Member : Father
Gender : Male
Weight : 66 Kgs
Complexion : Fair
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382016

Brijesh Rameshbhai Patel - 42-84 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33563)
Last Updated : 23 Dec 2022
Age : 29 Years (Nov 1994)
Native : Sabar Kantha > Prantij > Majra
Marital Status : Unmarried
Blood Group : N/A
Education : Mechanical Enginer
Mothers Maiden Place : Prantij
Relation With Main Member : Brother
Gender : Male
Weight : 68 Kgs
Complexion : Fair
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382016

Harsha Rameshbhai Patel - 42-84 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33562)
Last Updated : 23 Dec 2022
Mobile : Login To View...
Age : 27 Years (Sep 1996)
Native : Sabar Kantha > Prantij > Majra
Marital Status : Unmarried
Blood Group : N/A
Education : 12th
Mothers Maiden Place : Prantij
Relation With Main Member : Self
Gender : Male
Weight : 71 Kgs
Complexion : Fair
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382016

Work Location
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Jayapal Gandabhai Patel - 42-84 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33561)
Last Updated : 23 Dec 2022
Mobile : Login To View...
Age : 29 Years (Nov 1994)
Native : Sabar Kantha > Prantij > Ghadkan
Marital Status : Unmarried
Blood Group : N/A
Education : Graduate
Mothers Maiden Place : Sonasan
Relation With Main Member : Brother
Gender : Male
Complexion : Fair
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382421

Divyaben Jaykishan Patel - 42-84 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33560)
Last Updated : 23 Dec 2022
Age : 30 Years (May 1994)
Native : Sabar Kantha > Prantij > Ghadkan
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : N/A
Education : 12th
Mothers Maiden Place : Prantiya
Relation With Main Member : Wife
Gender : Female
Complexion : Fair
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382421

Jaykishan Gandabhai Patel - 42-84 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33559)
Last Updated : 23 Dec 2022
Mobile : Login To View...
Age : 30 Years (Dec 1993)
Native : Sabar Kantha > Prantij > Ghadkan
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : N/A
Education : Graduate
Mothers Maiden Place : Sonasan
Relation With Main Member : Self
Gender : Male
Weight : 95 Kgs
Complexion : Fair
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382421

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Sobhanaben Nikunjbhai Patel - 42-84 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33558)
Last Updated : 23 Dec 2022
Age : 49 Years (Dec 1974)
Native : Sabar Kantha > Prantij > Ghadkan
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : N/A
Education : 12th
Mothers Maiden Place : Gandhinagar
Relation With Main Member : Mother
Gender : Female
Weight : 60 Kgs
Complexion : Fair
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382007

Nikunjbhai Baldevbhai Patel - 42-84 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33557)
Last Updated : 23 Dec 2022
Age : 43 Years (May 1981)
Native : Sabar Kantha > Prantij > Ghadkan
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : N/A
Education : Graduat
Mothers Maiden Place : Shapa
Relation With Main Member : Father
Gender : Male
Weight : 85 Kgs
Complexion : Fair
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382007

Nirav Nikunjbhai Patel - 42-84 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33556)
Last Updated : 23 Dec 2022
Age : 24 Years (Nov 1999)
Native : Sabar Kantha > Prantij > Ghadkan
Marital Status : Unmarried
Blood Group : N/A
Education : Graduate
Mothers Maiden Place : Karol
Relation With Main Member : Brother
Gender : Male
Weight : 75 Kgs
Complexion : Fair
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382007

Nishit Nikunjbhai Patel - 42-84 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33555)
Last Updated : 23 Dec 2022
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Age : 21 Years (Nov 2002)
Native : Sabar Kantha > Prantij > Ghadkan
Marital Status : Unmarried
Blood Group : N/A
Qualification : GRADUATE - SCIENCE
Education : B.A.
Mothers Maiden Place : Karol
Relation With Main Member : Self
Gender : Male
Weight : 73 Kgs
Complexion : Fair
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382007

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Daxaben Jayeshkumar Patel - 42-84 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33554)
Last Updated : 23 Dec 2022
Age : 44 Years (Jan 1980)
Native : Sabar Kantha > Prantij > Ghadkan
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : N/A
Education : 12th
Mothers Maiden Place : Ghadkan
Relation With Main Member : Mother
Gender : Female
Weight : 66 Kgs

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