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Kamleshkumar Babulal Patel - 41 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33543)
Last Updated : 24 Dec 2022
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Age : 50 Years (Jun 1974)
Native : Mahesana > Vijapur > Sayajinagar
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : B+
Qualification : GRADUATE - SCIENCE
Education : B.Sc, MLT
Collage/University Name : North Gujarat University
Medium of Post School : English
Medium of School : Gujarati
Mothers Maiden Place : Motipura (Bhavsor)
Relation With Main Member : Self
Gender : Male
Height : 5 feet 6 inches
Weight : 74 Kgs
Hobbies : Sports
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382007

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Brijeshkumar Sureshbhai Patel - 48 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33529)
Last Updated : 24 Dec 2022
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Age : 35 Years (Apr 1989)
Native : Mahesana > Vijapur > Khanusa
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : N/A
Education : B.A.
Mothers Maiden Place : Ubkhal
Relation With Main Member : Son
Gender : Male
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382007

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Sanvi Priyankkumar Patel - 41 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33649)
Last Updated : 24 Dec 2022
Age : 2 Years (Apr 2022)
Native : Gandhinagar > Mansa > Pundhara
Marital Status : Unmarried
Blood Group : B+
Mothers Maiden Place : Soja
Relation With Main Member : Daughter
Gender : Female
Weight : 7 Kgs
Complexion : Fair
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Pin Code - 382007

Khooshbu Priyankkumar Patel - 41 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33648)
Last Updated : 24 Dec 2022
Age : 33 Years (Jan 1991)
Native : Gandhinagar > Mansa > Pundhara
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : O+
Education : B.P.T.
Mothers Maiden Place : Mansa
Relation With Main Member : Wife
Gender : Female
Weight : 72 Kgs
Complexion : Fair
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382007

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Dilipkumar Natvarbhai Patel - 48 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33644)
Last Updated : 24 Dec 2022
Age : 38 Years (Mar 1986)
Native : Gandhinagar > Mansa
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : B+
Education : LLB
Mothers Maiden Place : Manekpur
Relation With Main Member : Brother
Gender : Male
Weight : 72 Kgs
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382028

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Natvarbhai Maganbhai Patel - 48 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33643)
Last Updated : 24 Dec 2022
Age : 64 Years (Jun 1960)
Native : Gandhinagar > Mansa
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : B+
Relation With Main Member : Father
Gender : Male
Weight : 70 Kgs
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382028

Ashaben Rajendrabhai Patel - 42-84 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33629)
Last Updated : 24 Dec 2022
Native : Sabar Kantha > Prantij
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : N/A
Relation With Main Member : Mother
Gender : Female
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382028

Parshwa Ankit Patel - 48 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33542)
Last Updated : 24 Dec 2022
Age : 9 Years (Jan 2015)
Native : Gandhinagar > Mansa > Charada
Marital Status : Unmarried
Blood Group : B+
Education : 2nd Class
Mothers Maiden Place : Mansa
Relation With Main Member : Son
Gender : Male
Height : 3 feet 2 inches
Weight : 20 Kgs
Complexion : Wheatish
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382007

Bhavinkumar Ashokkumar Patel - 48 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 32286)
Last Updated : 24 Dec 2022
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Age : 39 Years (Aug 1985)
Native : Gandhinagar > Mansa > Charada
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : B+
Qualification : Ph.D
Relation With Main Member : Self
Gender : Male
Height : 5 feet 4 inches
Weight : 64 Kgs
Complexion : Wheatish
Profession : Salaried
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382007
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Dhwit Bhavinkumar Patel - 48 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 32290)
Last Updated : 24 Dec 2022
Age : 13 Years (Feb 2011)
Native : Gandhinagar > Mansa > Charada
Marital Status : Unmarried
Blood Group : B+
Qualification : SCHOOLING
Education : Std-5
Relation With Main Member : Grand Son
Gender : Male
Weight : 22 Kgs
Complexion : Wheatish
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382007
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Bhavana Bhavinkumar Patel - 48 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 32289)
Last Updated : 24 Dec 2022
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Age : 39 Years (Jul 1985)
Native : Gandhinagar > Mansa > Charada
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : B+
Qualification : POST GRADUATE
Education :
Relation With Main Member : Wife
Gender : Female
Height : 5 feet 4 inches
Weight : 68 Kgs
Complexion : Wheatish
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382007
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Gitaben Ashokkumar Patel - 48 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 32288)
Last Updated : 24 Dec 2022
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Age : 59 Years (Jun 1965)
Native : Gandhinagar > Mansa > Charada
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : B+
Qualification : SCHOOLING
Education : Std-9 Pass
Relation With Main Member : Mother
Gender : Female
Height : 5 feet 3 inches
Weight : 62 Kgs
Complexion : Wheatish
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382007
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Ashokkumar Bhavanbhai Patel - 48 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 32287)
Last Updated : 24 Dec 2022
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Age : 58 Years (May 1966)
Native : Gandhinagar > Mansa > Charada
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : B+
Qualification : SCHOOLING
Education : Std-12 Pass
Medium of School : Gujarati
Relation With Main Member : Father
Gender : Male
Height : 5 feet 4 inches
Weight : 63 Kgs
Complexion : Wheatish
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382007
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Nilam Ankit Patel - 48 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33541)
Last Updated : 24 Dec 2022
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Age : 38 Years (Nov 1985)
Native : Gandhinagar > Mansa > Charada
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : B+
Education : M.A.
Mothers Maiden Place : Lodara
Relation With Main Member : Wife
Gender : Female
Height : 5 feet 4 inches
Weight : 50 Kgs
Complexion : Wheatish
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382007

Maulik Dilipbhai Patel - 48 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33540)
Last Updated : 24 Dec 2022
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Age : 35 Years (Jun 1989)
Native : Gandhinagar > Mansa > Charada
Marital Status : Unmarried
Blood Group : B+
Education : M.Com, M.B.A.
Mothers Maiden Place : Patanpura
Relation With Main Member : Brother
Gender : Male
Height : 5 feet 7 inches
Weight : 70 Kgs
Complexion : Wheatish
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382007

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Anandiben Dilipbhai Patel - 48 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33539)
Last Updated : 24 Dec 2022
Mobile : Login To View...
Age : 58 Years (Jan 1966)
Native : Gandhinagar > Mansa > Charada
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : B+
Education : 10
Mothers Maiden Place : Mansa
Relation With Main Member : Mother
Gender : Female
Height : 5 feet 4 inches
Weight : 56 Kgs
Complexion : Wheatish
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382007

Ankit Dilipbhai Patel - 48 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33537)
Last Updated : 24 Dec 2022
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Age : 37 Years (Dec 1986)
Native : Gandhinagar > Mansa > Charada
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : B+
Education : I.T.
Mothers Maiden Place : Patanpura
Relation With Main Member : Self
Gender : Male
Height : 5 feet 5 inches
Weight : 70 Kgs
Complexion : Wheatish
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382007

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Kush Sanjaykumar Patel - 48 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 32961)
Last Updated : 24 Dec 2022
Age : 14 Years (Dec 2009)
Native : Gandhinagar > Mansa > Ajol
Marital Status : Unmarried
Blood Group : N/A
Qualification : SCHOOLING
Relation With Main Member : Son
Gender : Male
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382421

Anshu Rajendrakumar Patel - 22 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33595)
Last Updated : 23 Dec 2022
Age : 27 Years (Dec 1996)
Native : Mahesana > Mahesana > Gojhariya
Marital Status : Unmarried
Blood Group : N/A
Education : Diploma, (USA)
Mothers Maiden Place : Pethapur
Relation With Main Member : Son
Gender : Male
Height : 5 feet 10 inches
Weight : 85 Kgs
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382421

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Usha Rajendrakumar Patel - 22 Gam K. P. S. ( Profile Id : 33594)
Last Updated : 23 Dec 2022
Age : 47 Years (Jun 1977)
Native : Mahesana > Mahesana > Gojhariya
Marital Status : Married
Blood Group : B+
Education : 10
Mothers Maiden Place : Kalol
Relation With Main Member : Wife
Gender : Female
Height : 5 feet 5 inches
Weight : 69 Kgs
Home Location
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Pin Code - 382421

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